Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense
Directed By: Alister Grierson
Written By: Andrew Wight, John Garvin
Richard Roxburg (Frank McGuire)
Rhys Wakefield (Josh McGuire)
Ioan Gruffudd (Carl Hurl)
Alice Parkinson (Victoria)
Daniel Wyllie (Crazy George)
A team of underwater cave divers were on a treacherous expedition to the largest, most beautiful and they are the first team to go in there. Everything seems great before the storms arrived and they are stuck in the cavern. In order to survived, they had to fight raging water, deadly terrain and creeping panic as they search for an unknown escape route to the sea. As the path to the surface is cut off in the flash flood, they need another way out to escape from the disaster which makes them questioning: Can they survive or will they be trapped forever? To answer this question, they need to move on although many obstacles hitting them. With the limited sources of oxygen and the love of a father towards his son, finally Josh survived from the disaster alone.
This movie convey the real meaning of sacrifice for your loves one and love between the father and son. In order to survived, they had to do everything including sacrifice their own life to make sure the rest survived as what had being done by George who knows that he will not make it so he escape from them and left the rest with his oxygen for them to use it.
In this movie also it shows that when we were in a panic situation, we had to followed the professional's advice whether we like it or not as they knows better. Besides, panic and grudge does not help to solve anything like as what Carl's did when he is finally becomes violent and do something stupid by trying to kill Frank but turns out to be dead in the end because of his selfishness.
Despite of all the trailer involves in this movie, loves also being present. Frank never tells Josh that he loves him but he do anything just to make sure his only one son survived which automatically reflects the deepness of his loves towards his son.
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