my confession..

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mohamad nazrin b abd aziz - wishing for the shooting stars to fulfill my dream which never will

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What I’ve learn from this Critical Literacy subject?

Your opinion my dear; nothing in this subject is right or wrong ;)
What I want to say about this subject is.. it is very complex and critical in using our mind to think about an issue or subject. However, this subject is the only subject that I’ve ever learnt that does not need any true or false statement, what we only have to do is burst out our opinion and relate it to the issue or subject. It is very fun as we can see things from our point of view without worrying ‘am I right?’ and ‘am I wrong?’..

Being critical is to think wisely;not to be bias ;)
In this Critical Literacy also I’ve learnt to make some researches before doing any assumption. For example like we’ve learnt before is about Dr. Mahathir, all we know is Dr. Mahathir is a very respected person but through this subject, I’ve learn that he is actually not. Doing research is one of this subject’s foods. It has also changed my view towards everything in this world. I’m not very politic type of person but by this subject, I’ve learnt that you don’t need to be a politician just to know what the politician wrongdoing and what they’ve done to being respect. My lecturer once said “if you are being bias towards the issue or subject, it means that you are still not thinking critically.”

Do not afraid to voice out your point ;)
Well, I must say that this subject had increased my confident level in voicing out my opinion about anything and not afraid to be wrong as everyone should learn from their mistakes. It has also increased my curiosity about any issue, subject, people and even some incident. For example, I’ve learnt about who Hitler really is, I’ve learnt what is the hidden agenda behind the bombing of WTC, I’ve learn also the difference between ‘Casanova and Romantic’ and many more. I’m not afraid anymore to say this person or that person is bad or good as long as I’ve the evidence to say it. All you have to do is done some researches and be confident. There! You’ll win!

Great debate ;)
It’s very good to have debate with your friends. Standing on each other point and wait to see whose opinion will win. Unfortunately, that will not happen, Sir Aliff, my lecturer, will only smile ;) ... HAHA. But... that is the FUN beneath it!

All I want to say is, it’s good to learn this subject, I really like it, it’s challenging, critical and literacy. Nice to having class with you guys and learning with our very sporting and energetic lecturer SIR ALIFF IBRAHIM ABDUL RAZAK ! ;)

Toddles !